Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Why, Disney?


You make beautiful creations. 

They capture the hearts of so many millions of people..

It's not because of actors, or musicians, or costumes, or storytelling, or any other special effects; it's how you combine all, breathing life to an age old tale...

But then falls the rain. 

You fall into a trap. 

It's just so sad..

You decide to keep it all to yourself, 

Unless they can offer you 🤑🤑🤑... 

It's sad...

I pity you, truly...

For.. at the end of all things, 

Dear old Disney,

You, are just an example of how greed corrupts man.


#peace 💗❤💕

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Why is it not easy to write up an excuse for not writing...


So I've been gone.

It is not sexy.

You start something, and you stick to it.

Does that make me a failure..?

In case it does, i hope the thought of writing again would help to actually sit up and type away...

Well, we'll see....

Meanwhile, try to forgive this fish...

Yes, I've said it; I'm a fish.

And I would love to swim to Eroda someday........... 🐟

Monday, September 16, 2019

Curioser and curioser...

Yes, Wonderland is real.
We don't fall straight in love; we vaguely saunter downwards, in a crooked path.
The main thing is, however, none of the above. It is rather how very many people don't wish to take a peek at the looking glass country, where life is beautiful, just as it is back home.
The glitch? The afore mentioned "crooked pathway" lies right within the looking glass country. So.., since very many people don't wish to take a peek, they all end up completely oblivious about its existence.
They only see the uhm... straight line, and never ever know of a teeniest, tiniest hint, about the other path(s).

Which makes a Jabberwocky sad enough to befriend a Mock Turtle; where we will meet them, mourning together on the sea shore...


We are all mad here.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

#AngstAU part 2 (contains sensitive materiel, /please/ be cautious)

[Five days since he regained consciousness] 
He wakes up, and as usual, Kyle is right there, alongside Mrs. Jenna; ready to carry out his morning check up. He apologises for sleeping till late. They smile and wave it off, as usual.
Of course, his functions are normal. His wounds and bruises are healing, and there is nothing wrong with his blood-pressure, or his lungs or his eye-sight... 
They smile and speak softly with him, while helping him into day-clothes. Night ones are a pale blue, while during the day, he wore blue. Always. 
Personally, he liked daytime. There were people, sounds, sunlight.... 
At night, it was simply silence. He had pleaded Kyle to stay with him, to just stay, he could do anything he wished, but please stay close to him, keep him company. Yesterday, Kyle did stay..., even if it was only until midnight, and because he was on duty. He cried, and begged "please don't go...".
He had begged Mrs. Jenna to stay too... but she simply stroked his cheek, saying she would, if she could.. but, being the Mother nurse, she could not just show special care to one patient.. although it did not stop her from taking a very long time to do his check up and spend some more minutes with him. 
She loved the young man with blue eyes... there was no real reason... but she loved him. It felt like looking at a son she never had. At times when she was having a break, their conversations often came into her mind. He was a little child... it was bittersweet... 
And he was trying to get her attention.
He looked at Mrs. Jenna.. she was lost in thought. "It's always rude to disturb when someone is thinking..." he smiles ruefully and turns towards Kevin; who was covering his mouth with his hand and trying to suppress a chuckle. Kyle...
Kyle was handsome. He was medium built, with dark hair that was stuck up, all over the place... and had soft brown eyes. He often tried to cheer him up, telling him (what he thought as) funny things that he learned during med-school. And he always did his very best to be gentle while helping him. He liked Kyle... 
And now Mrs. Jenna says /he/'s not paying attention. She sounds annoyed, but he knows she's being her usual funny self. 
He decides to ask her once more. But.. the moment he opens his mouth, she averts her eyes and begins to tuck him in, suddenly very interested in his bed linen. He sighs and looks at the bed covers too...
So there was no one.... 
No one was asking about a missing person that had blue eyes or.... light coloured hair ("Silver~!", as Mrs. Jenna often corrected other staff members) or... no.
The person who was in charge of information on missing persons was so tired of their questioning that, now he almost always avoided Mrs. Jenna. Even Kyle and several other nurses, remarked that "he sees one of us in the corridor and whoosh!, flees in the other direction!" They have a little laugh... but soon, when he's alone, loneliness returns, hand in hand with rejection. 
Didn't anyone miss him, like he was missing them...?

Monday, October 8, 2018

#AngstAU part 1 (contains sensitive materiel, /please/ be cautious)...

He wakes up...
Or maybe..., he feels conscious.
All around, there's white noise; a gentle buzz that's just present. It's not irritating or anything; it's.... just there.
He stirrs. There's a giddy feeling, which makes him let out a soft moan.
He opens his eyes, and sees blurry figures of blue, moving against a bright-lit background.
One of them is very nearby and soon, he feels a pressure on his torso, as hands push him back onto something soft...
He moans softly again and blinks, trying to focus. This time, he sees a woman, wearing blue. She's gently adjusting a pillow against his head...
She looked at him. In her brown eyes was a soft smile... it made him feel choked. But... he couldn't think why...
"He's awake", said the woman.
"We'll see now..", replied a second male voice, but it too, was very mild....
Next moment, he felt something being wrapped around his arm.
Then came a tightening sensation; his arm felt as if someone was squeezing it down. It got so painful, that he let out a yelp.
Suddenly, the squeezing stopped and his arm was released. He felt quite dizzy by now, and hoped they would stop torturing him like this and let him stay in peace.
Then came a blinding flash of light. Soon it was extinguished. But he was seeing circles inside his eyes....
"Well... his functions are normal....", said the same male voice.
He didn't want to open his eyes. He was still seeing bright circles inside his eyes... he wished it would stop.... Eventually, they did and, he thought to open his eyes.
"Hello..", said the soft-spoken man.
He just blinked, taking in the surroundings... and feeling his limbs... he tried to move his toes... they wiggled. He tried to swallow. His mouth felt parched. He could tell he was inside a brightly-lit, white-washed room, on a bed.. there were also two other people, wearing blue. He looked down at himself. And... realised that he too, was wearing something blue... what is this..?
He looked up at the strangers, who were both looking at him, as if waiting for him to say something. He didn't know what to say... so he kept quiet.
After a few minutes, he looked up at them again, expectantly. He wanted to demand them and ask them what was happening... but words didn't come out.
Silence dragged on.., until the middle-aged man spoke again.
"Hello, young John...," the man smiled softly, "we were wondering if you could tell us something about yourself...." he looked at him, eyes twinkling, as if expecting him to make a speech about himelf.
He didn't know what to say; and just.. looked on at the man, and then he turned to look at the woman. She was looking at him with so much pity and kindness in her eyes, it was almost as if she was trying hard not to cry...
She reached out a hand and stroked his cheek, biting her lip. A tear escaped and slowly went down her face. He watched, as a piercing pain shot through his heart. He could feel her pain... he could feel his own eyes becoming wet....
"You poor thing....", she whispered.
He let out a soft sigh and tried to contort his face into a smile.., as if to assure them that, it was okay... but failed.
He just shook his head and looked on...... after all, how can he say something that he does not remember?

Saturday, September 29, 2018

It's been months since I've been here... and.. wow.. let's jusy say that, during the course of all this time, life felt as if caught on a loop.
Now it is much better, and hopefully will /stay/ that way for the future...
Will be around a little more often than before......
It's a promise. 🤘🤗❤

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Hallelujah - piano cover version

so i played this song by Leonard Cohen. oh well, i /tried/ to play it. it's not perfect. but i enjoyed playing it. keeping your fingers in control while a train of sad, forgotten memories flashed through your mind, felt quite an achievement at the end....

here's the link to the video.

hope you'll have a nice day. <3