~ continued from last post~
So now, let’s delve straight into the ‘complications’ that were aroused due to a decision to write up a romance where two polar-opposite men came together. Wait, two….men?! What the HELL are you implying?!? Are you out of your mind?? I hear you say… (Or /do/ I?, for i believe we live in a society where such things are being accepted, aren’t we?) Anyway, /we/ were talking about someone who was living in the Victorian era, wa-a-y back in the 1880′s…. oh well.
~Back to 1880
Our author was pacing his library. /How/ can he do this? How? HOW?! The scribbled parchment, paper crumpled and littered all over the floor; a glance would show you the very many ways he has tried to begin this remarkable tale. But no, ‘the way’ has not dawned yet. Not yet. Maybe tomorrow. Yes…. tomorrow. Perhaps yes. Of course, he could just write up all the (ahem) ‘erotic’ contents and give it out into the public; but /that/ would be um.., (to put it easily), his funeral. He has already thought out about the fundamental form of the two idols; there were some people who he knew in real life… and he had also given names to these two odd protagonists.
But the main, impossible question still loomed in front of his eyes: how can he simply weave a love story, happening between two people who were deemed ‘unacceptable’ and ‘inappropriate’ by his Victorian audience.? (Why didn’t he invent a time-machine and transport himself to the 21st century..?) By and by a solution came… a masquerade ball!! Two people, whose identities are ‘hidden’ behind gilded masks, waltzing through literature (Right under the noses of those despicable critiques!!); arm in arm, gliding gracefully, gazing tenderly, like lovers always do…?!!!! (it’s safe to assume that it was several hours before he remembered where he was…, because, /what/ an idea?!)
If only there was someone nearby…, he would’ve gone down in history as a genius; then and there.
That was it. He had a plan. Now, all he had to do was to find the perfect disguise. What was the ‘cover’ he was going to lay over his masterpiece in order to protect it? This treasure that would go on to become one of the most /solid/ partnerships known to mankind…? The answer was already in plain sight. These ‘partners’ were opposites; so.., why not hide the opposites, /in/ an opposite?! Why not embed love within danger? Just think! A story full of situations involving treachery, crime, death, theft, hatred, jealousy, fear… Would you /ever/ think of finding a loving, thriving relationship?
of course, you’d want to feel a consolation, to have a happy ending where evil is eventually defeated, but… you’d /never/ expect to see an actual love-story running through, like a long, majestic river; not unless you’d stop and think to dive in a little deep, Into the subtext. Ah yes, we’ve come to that intriguing topic. How did our hero hide his lovers under that convenient cover; ‘subtext’…?
~to be continued.
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