Wednesday, November 30, 2016

When you're not sure, look into your heart, they say.... Truth is always in there, waiting for you to find it.

Sadly, not many people have the courage to reach out for it...

Monday, November 28, 2016

The East wind is coming..,
Strong and destructive.
Those who've done wrong, beware;
It will smite you...

(Nothing personal, it's called 'Karma': you reap what you sow. No more, no less)...

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Not wanting to live up to anyone's expectations.... I won't be a loser but, not a great winner either. Being great and successful in one part can mean losing (or having to give up) a lot of little things that can make you feel empty and incomplete towards the latter part of life... right or wrong, I wonder.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Seeing, hearing, and understanding something....
And then, realizing that there are so many people who are quite perfectly ignorant about it.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

I was reading Cymbeline (by Shakespeare). How can Iachimo convince Posthumus that he himself  was able to view the subtle physical characteristics (like a birthmark) on Imogen? He (Iachimo) could have bribed a close maid-servant into divulging intimate details about her mistress... as for the ring, he could've discreetly substituted the original with a fake with inside help.... Being the most wisest scholar in the king's court (previous to his banishment), Posthumus should've used his imagination a lot more. And then, he should try to test his assumptions; instead of simply condemning his wife to death.... at least, that's what I thought. 
Sorry, if this entry looks totally random... but then, random is a significant part of me. 
Created a blog today. Didn't know that anyone could do it... guess I've been living under a rock.
My life is not that interesting; (coming to think about the title of the page).
And now, I'm wondering what to write on the oncoming days...