Sunday, December 11, 2016

my final post about BBC Sherlock

This will be the final post about Sherlock.

(Please view the new trailer for season 4-(released on 2016/12/10) to understand the contents below. Thank you)

I've a feeling that Mycroft's story won't continue after this series. In fact, I fear that Sherlock himself, is going to be the only Holmes left alive at the end. And, Culverton Smith's threat about 'let them know your darkest secret' can be towards anyone; Mary, Mycroft, Sherlock.. etc.
And whatever 'end' they (the producers) have created, better be 'the happy end' for quite a long time...

The journey with our dearest detective, Sherlock; his change from being 'great' to 'good' was epic. But all good things must come to an end; and in my opinion, BBC Sherlock always belonged to that category.

link for the trailer:

p.s. just wanted to add that little Miss Molly Hooper is... NOT the sugary, sweet lab assistant, who is (sometimes seen) making puppy-eyes at the beautiful, amazing (and gay) master-mind.

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